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Assisted Living Mesa AZ, Assisted Living Home, lds assisted living, senior care home, senior care

About Us

Assisted Living Mesa AZ, Assisted Living Home, lds assisted living, senior care home, senior care
Julie Flammer, RN Manager


A Nurse’s Passion for Compassion


Registered Nurse * Medical Director* Holistic Health & Wellness * Assisted Living Certified Manager * Senior Care Advocate


Caring for seniors has always been a love of mine. I started at a young age caring for my grandmother. She had a positive influence on me in many ways. I love to see the elderly well cared for in every way possible, just as if they were my own parent or grandparent.


Proper Medical Services is always a high priority at Fairbrook Grove Assisted Living Home Mesa Az. As a registered nurse, I have 40+ years of healthcare experience. I am trained in Assisted Living management, holistic healthcare and total wellness, oncology, pain management and homecare including rehab & wound healing.


Our goal at Fairbrook Grove Assisted Living Home Mesa AZ is to improve the quality of life for those we serve, help them to be their happiest, and to honor the dignity and worth of each person. I love the elderly and that is why I work for Fairbrook Grove Assisted Living Home with its unique and inclusive friendly environment.


 I offer the following Medical Assisted Living services:


• Residential Assisted Living Management Expertise

• Licensed RN On-call 24/7

• RN trained in Holistic Health and Total Wellness

• RN trained in Oncology and Pain Management

• RN is Wound Care Certified & works with Wound Clinic & Homecare

• RN Assessment and Personal Service Plans for each Resident

• RN Medication Management and Monitoring

• RN Accompaniment to Doctor’s Appointment when necessary

• Rehab Service & Physical Therapy coordinated with Homecare

• Nutrition & Hydration Monitoring

• On-site Lab Draws and Home Visiting Doctors

• Hospice End of Life Comfort Care




Brian Flammer, BSM MEd. 


 America’s Greatest Generation


Assisted Living Marketing Director * Advertising Manager * Chaplain * Certified Caregiver  * Senior Care Facilities Coordinator 


Seniors have always been a wonderful source of wisdom and serving them at Fairbrook Grove Assisted Living Home Mesa Az is truly a pleasure.


When I was young, my Father would take me to visit the elderly in our Assisted Living community. I heard the adventures first hand of World War I vets, survivors of the Great Depression, heroes of WWII, encounters with Poncho Via and best of all, great parents who had raised great families.


Today’s Elderly are America’s Greatest Generation. It is my duty and privilege to provide quality senior care at Fairbrook Grove Assisted Living Home Mesa AZ for those who need assisted living services. I believe it is our duty and privilege to take care of those who have made our good lives possible today.


 I offer the following Assisted Living services:


• Residential Assisted Living Management Expertise

• Conducts Worship Services and Provides Spiritual Support

• Personalized Chaplain / Ministry Services

• Use of SKYPE and Email for Communication with Families

• Digital Pictures DVD of Resident for Family

• Directs Holiday and Birthday Parties throughout the Year

• Organizes Special Events - Hawaiian, Elvis, Mexican, 50’s Parties

• Home Improvement Specialist and Fix It Man

• Companionship for the Elderly and Jokester

• Grief and Transition Counseling



Fairbrook Grove Assisted Living Mesa AZ Is A Place You Can Call Home & Receive High Quality Senior Care.

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At Fairbrook Grove Assisted Living Home, Mesa AZ, we believe our first responsibility is to the Residents we care for.  We respect the Physical, Emotional, Social, and Spiritual needs of our Residents and find that compassion is essential to fostering healing, wholeness and wellbeing. 

© 2021 Fairbrook Grove Assisted Living Home Mesa AZ    3916 E. Fairbrook Circle Mesa AZ 85205      (480) 215-2940    

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